Branded the 'Rolls Royce of Nail Files', the Leighton Denny crystal nail file is just that! This multi-award winning file is made of the finest lead crystal, and simply turns the excess nail into dust whilst filing. Due to the file being crystal, you can file nails back and forth unlike normal emery board files, and what's more, it's unique surface seals the ends of the nails and helps to prevent peeling and splitting. We got this nail file as a gift and we simply love it. It is a bit heavy to the hand, but that is only due to its crystal properties. It files really smoothly and evenly. I've tried many nail files before,and my nails have always ended up splitting somehow, but with the Leighton Denny file that doesn't happen anymore. When using it, you really can tell the difference between it and other nail files. Best of all, the surface of the file comes with a life-time guarantee, so we would definitely buy again, but it seems that we won't need to! Price £15 on the Leighton Denny website, but £13.70 on

Instyle - Best Beauty Buy
Harpers Bazaar - Top 50 Beauty
CEW Award - Best Hand and Nailcare - Essential 'Must Have'
Essentials Magazine - Best Beauty Buy
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